
Mahakam Rivers

Mahakam is the name of a province's largest river which empties into the East Kalimantan in the Makassar Strait. River with a length of about 920 km across the region was the West Kutai District in the upstream, until the District Kukar and Samarinda in the downstream. On...

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Derawan Islan The New Exotic Place on The Borneo

Derawan Islands is an archipelago located in the Berau Regency, East Kalimantan. In these islands there are some ...

Pendet Dance From Bali

Pendet initially a worship dance that many exhibited in the temple, where worship of Hindus in Bali, Indonesia. This ...

Borobudur Tample

Indonesia is the country going gkaya yan heritage. Among them is the magnificent temple which had been built centuries ...

Duren Fruit

Durian is a tropical plant that originated from Southeast Asia, as well as a fruit to eat. The name is derived from ...

Dangdut Music

Dangdut is a genre of music that developed in Indonesia. This musical form rooted in the music Melayu in the 1940s. In ...

Kutai Tribe in Borneo

Kutai tribe or Tenggarong Kutai Malays are indigenous Kukar district, East Kalimantan. Kutai culture originated from ...

Santet ( Black Magic )

SANTET or black magic (Java: magick, teluh) is a person attempts to harm another person from a distance by using black ...

Indonesian Holyday

Eid is a Muslim holiday which falls on 1 Syawal on Islamic calendar. Because the determination based on 1 Syawal ...
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