Mahakam is the name of a province's largest river which empties into the East Kalimantan in the Makassar Strait. River with a length of about 920 km across the region was the West Kutai District in the upstream, until the District Kukar and Samarinda in the downstream. On...

Mandau is a weapon unique tribe who inhabit the island dayak kalimantan. Long ago saber used for hunting and war. Mandau made of wrought iron that has been for days and days with a handle shaped like a bird peculiar hornbills and feather accessories.
Mandau is a symbol of courage and manliness of a child the Dayak. Mandau allegedly used to hunt human heads are offered to the gods.
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Derawan Islands is an archipelago located in the Berau Regency, East Kalimantan. In these islands there are some ...
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Pendet initially a worship dance that many exhibited in the temple, where worship of Hindus in Bali, Indonesia. This ...
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Indonesia is the country going gkaya yan heritage. Among them is the magnificent temple which had been built centuries ...
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Durian is a tropical plant that originated from Southeast Asia, as well as a fruit to eat. The name is derived from ...
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Mount Kerinci (also spelled "Kerintji", and known as Mount Kenji, Gadang, Kurinci Eruption, Korinci, or Peak Indrapura) is the highest mountain in Sumatra, and the highest peak in Indonesia outside Papua. Mount Kerinci is located in the Bukit Barisan, near the west coast, and situated about 130 km south of Padang. He is most famous feature of the Kerinci Seblat National Park.
Kerinci is still active and last erupted in 1970.
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Puncak Jaya is a peak that is part of the Sudirman Range is located in Papua province, Indonesia. Puncak Jaya has a height of 4884 m and the surrounding glaciers Carstenz there, the only tropical glaciers in Indonesia, which likely will soon disappear due to global warming.
This peak has named a Poentjak Sukarno and the highest mountain in Oceania. Puncak Jaya is one of the Seven Main Peak of the world.
Other Nama-nama/ejaan:
* Ngga Pulu ( "Mula" means mountain)
* Mount Carstensz
* Carstensz Pyramid
* Carstensz Peak
* Peak Jayakesuma
* Carstensz Pyramid Peak
* Ndugundugu
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Dangdut is a genre of music that developed in Indonesia. This musical form rooted in the music Melayu in the 1940s. In ...
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Football is one of the most popular sports in Indonesia. Each year the fight for the league rolled several clubs that represent some of the area clubs.
And one of Indonesia's best players are becoming a favorite among spectators to watch his goal. He is often abbreviated Bambang Pamungkas birth BP.Pemain Salatiga, June 10, 1980 This is one of the "blessings" that possessed Indonesia. He is famous for the sharpness sundulannya when in the opponent's defense. Persik Kediri striker is also not selfish when in front of goal. Proved he has also scored assists to teammates. Indonesia's best players this league has scored 108 goals throughout his career in the League with Indonesia Persik Kediri. He also scored a record 65 times to strengthen the national team and scored 34 goals.
He is also famous among the people of Indonesia. Numbered 20 players back this sort of reflection over Indonesia 1 football this decade.
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Keris is a typical Indonesian stabbing weapon. Based on ancient documents, the keris in preliminary form has been used since the 9th century. Strong likelihood that the keris has been used before that time. Kebudyaan Indonesian Minister Jero Wacik has brought the keris to UNESCO and requested assurance that this is the cultural heritage of Indonesia.
The use of the keris itself scattered in clumps community Malays. At present, the keris commonly known in the area of Indonesia (especially in the areas of Java, Madura, Bali / Lombok, Sumatra, part of Borneo, and some of Sulawesi), Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, and Philippines (particularly in the Mindanao region). In Mindanao, the form of weapon which is also called the keris is not much resemblance but also a stabbing weapon.
Keris has a variety of forms, for example, there is a winding blade (berbilang always odd) and some are straight bladed. Javanese people assume different forms have different effects esoteri.
Besides being used as a weapon, the keris is also often considered to have supernatural powers. This weapon is often mentioned in many traditional legends, such as the keris Mpu Gandring in legend of Ken Arok and Ken Dedes.
The procedure to use different kris in each region. In areas such as Javanese and Sundanese, the keris is placed in the back of the waist in peacetime but is placed in front in the war. Meanwhile, in Sumatra, Borneo, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines, the keris was placed in front.
Kris addition, there are a number of other stabbing weapons in the archipelago region, such as Rencong from Aceh, Badik from Sulawesi and West Java cleaver. Keris distinguished from other stabbing weapons primarily from the blade. Keris is not made from a single metal casted but a mixture of various metal layers. As a result of this manufacturing technique, the keris has a specificity of fame on the blade.
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Sate or satay or sometimes written satai foods are made from pieces of meat (chicken, goats, sheep, cows, pigs, fish, etc.) are diced, and the puncture satay ditusuki usually made of bamboo, then burnt using charcoal embers. Sate then served with various seasonings (depends on satay recipe variations).
Sate is known comes from Java, Indonesia, but the sate is also popular in countries other Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand. Sate is also popular in the Netherlands that influenced the cuisine of Indonesia that had been the colony. Japanese version is called yakitori.
Recipes and how it varied depending satay variations and recipes of each region. Almost all types of meat can be made sate. The origin country as satay, Indonesia has a variety of rich satay recipe, see the list of sate.
Usually sate sauce. This sauce can be soy sauce, peanut sauce, or the other. To sate the duck pond is full menu satay sauce peanut sweet spices or chili (according to taste) and sliced tomatoes and cucumbers. Then sate eaten with warm rice or, if in some areas served by lontong. Sate sometimes eaten with a diamond.
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Another name ulin tree ironwood trees. And in fact, the tree ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri) is one of the famous tree from the forest with characteristic wooden Kaltim hard and strong, dark colors, and resistant to sea water.
Ulin tree height reaches 50 m in diameter and up to 120 cm, and grown in the lowlands.
Trees are a little apart from other trees and surrounded by a circular road of ironwood. At the bottom there is a tree hollow.
Type of ulin wood is not easy either rotted in the water and darata. That is why wood is widely used as building material, especially for homes built on swampy ground.
Unfortunately, this tree can not grow at all forest areas. Usually grown on upland with sandy soil. Therefore, nurseries and pembudidayaannya somewhat difficult.
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Kutai tribe or Tenggarong Kutai Malays are indigenous Kukar district, East Kalimantan. Kutai culture originated from ...

Reog is one of the cultural arts from East Java and northwest of the town of Ponorogo regarded as the true origin Reog. Ponorogo city gate was decorated by warok and gemblak figure, two figures who had appeared at the time reog displayed. Reog is one of the regional culture in Indonesia is still very strong with things mystical and mysticism that.
Basically there are five versions of the popular story that developed in the community about the origin and Warok Reog, but one of the most famous story is the story of the rebellion Ki Ageng Flea, a royal servant during Bhre Kertabhumi, the last king of Majapahit who ruled in the nineteenth century -15. Ki Ageng Flea wrath will strongly influence from the Chinese partner in the government and the king, the king of a corrupt behavior, he saw that the power of the Majapahit kingdom will end. He then left the king and established the university where he taught young children martial arts, science self immunity, and the science of perfection in the hope that young children will become the seed of the resurrection of the Majapahit kingdom again later. Realizing that his army is too small to fight the royal troops Ki Ageng political message conveyed by fleas Reog performing arts, which is a "hint" to the king and his kingdom Kertabumi Bra. Cultural Reog a way Ki Ageng Flea local communities to build resistance using Reog popularity.
Barong reog mask is used as the closing attraction.
Reog performance shown in the shape of lion-head masks, known as the 'Lion Barong ", the king of the forest, which became the symbol for Kertabumi, and above attached peacock feathers to resemble a giant fan that symbolize the strong influence of his Chinese colleagues who set up all the motion - bearing. Jatilan, played by groups of dancers who gemblak horse riding became a symbol of the strength of troops into the kingdom of Majapahit contrast ratio warok strength, which is behind the red clown mask that became the symbol for Ki Ageng Lice, alone and support the weight of the mask reaches more singabarong of 50kg using only his teeth. Ki Ageng Reog popular flea eventually led Kertabumi take action and attack the school, the rebellion by warok quickly resolved, and universities to continue teaching prohibited to warok. But the students remained lice Ki Ageng continue secretly. Even so, Reognya own art is still allowed to be staged because the show has become popular among the people, but the story has a new line where the added characters from folklore Kelono Sewondono Ponorogo ie, Goddess Songgolangit, and Sri Genthayu.
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Erau the Kutai traditional feast which is usually performed after the harvest each year. This traditional event comes from the habit of Kutai people submit to the sultan of the earth to hold Erau.
This traditional party still held down through generations until now, in the Year 2009, the opening of traditional parties and centralized in Madya Stadium Tenggarong new-built. Some art Kutai, Dayak and other tribes are held in the stadium. Tens of thousand people attended the art show to watch it, not only from Tenggarong (Kab Capital Kukar-Kaltim), but also from the district and from other cities such as Bontang, Samarinda and Balikpapan, etc., even from abroad.
Erau usually held during the week, during the period, held a variety of traditional ceremonies, traditional games competitions, expo / exhibition construction, the party of the people, the capital of entertainment artists and other event2 crowd. So, if you walk in Tenggarong during Erau place, the usual case of congestion, given the arena / stage show in order Erau scattered across the city, the Festival Erau it had the support of local government as an effort to support programs in tourism traffic.
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SANTET or black magic (Java: magick, teluh) is a person attempts to harm another person from a distance by using black ...
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Gado-gado is one food that comes from Indonesia in the form of vegetables boiled and mixed together, with herbs or sauce of crushed peanuts and eggs with slices of fried onions sprinkled over. Little emping fried or crackers (there are also wearing shrimp crackers) are also added.
Gado-gado can be eaten just like a salad with spice / peanut sauce, but also can be eaten with white rice or sometimes also served with lontong.
Who does not know gado-gado. Meals consist of a mixture of boiled vegetables and peanut sauce is really famous for extraordinary. In the narrow alleys, pushing carts, patio homes, to places to eat in big malls, "Indonesian salad" sold a lot of people.
Food is also clear healthy if treated in a clean and true. Materials that have been basically there is spinach, long beans, bean sprouts, cabbage, tofu, tempeh, boiled potatoes, cucumbers, and chopped boiled eggs.
However, gado-gado pleasure not merely in rebusnya vegetables, but also on the peanut sauce that was served. When tasting hodgepodge Boplo in Jalan Blora, Central Jakarta, there is another taste of peanut sauce that is poured dihidangkan.Saus nuts to vegetable stew that was very tasty on the tongue.
Taste sour, sweet, and salt contained in peanut sauce was very pas.Begitu finished swallow, taste savory peanut sauce was still felt. Not to mention the additional shrimp crackers and a can emping dicocol-cocol in peanut sauce.
Peanut sauce delights hodgepodge Boplo cashews lies in the mixture used as raw nuts tanah.Menurut Juliana Hartono, owner Boplo hodgepodge, cashews make peanut sauce becomes creamy. The composition of the fit between peanuts and cashew nuts are the secret key palatability Boplo hodgepodge.
Gado-gado Boplo was able to raise "the edge of food" into food berkelas.Dengan provide hygiene services to its customers versatile, owner hodgepodge Boplo try to eliminate the image that is a hodgepodge of food that can make people sick who will perut.Sayuran presented new boiled 30 minutes before there was pemesanan.Selain, builders racik gado-gadonya must wear gloves.
"This rule applies in all branches Boplo hodgepodge," Calvin said Hartono, son of the owner Boplo Gado-gado is now joined to manage the business. According to Calvin, the use of gloves seemed trivial. However, this can reduce the sense of disgust buyers who see the vegetables hold-hold before going into the plate.
Rests from health problems, Calvin has a plan to create a hodgepodge premium for a particular circle. Gado-gado this premium will be using hydroponic vegetables that do not use pesticides in the maintenance of drug plants.
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Eid is a Muslim holiday which falls on 1 Syawal on Islamic calendar. Because the determination based on 1 Syawal ...
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