
Ulin Wood "Iron Wood from Borneo"

by - 06:22

Another name ulin tree ironwood trees. And in fact, the tree ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri) is one of the famous tree from the forest with characteristic wooden Kaltim hard and strong, dark colors, and resistant to sea water.

Ulin tree height reaches 50 m in diameter and up to 120 cm, and grown in the lowlands.

Trees are a little apart from other trees and surrounded by a circular road of ironwood. At the bottom there is a tree hollow.

Type of ulin wood is not easy either rotted in the water and darata. That is why wood is widely used as building material, especially for homes built on swampy ground.

Unfortunately, this tree can not grow at all forest areas. Usually grown on upland with sandy soil. Therefore, nurseries and pembudidayaannya somewhat difficult.

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