Words of Wisdom Gede Prama

by - 17:01

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Others failures, mistakes, imperfections are golden opportunities to perfect the inner garden of compassion



Compassion has many hands, each one is provided to help



Compassion has eleven faces. Each face invite all to return back home



In the heart decorated with compassion, all sounds are songs of compassion



To compassion, everyday is valentine day


Embang, that’s how Balinese elder called God. The tranquil side is emptiness, the active side is compassion



One who get laught at him/her self, He/she is the wise



When u have time to contemplate, contemplate ur weaknesses. When u should speak, speak of love



People like to build holy place. The inner heart is the highest holy place



Compassion is the natural expression of all. All movement of universe is compassion



Full moon lightening the night without dazzling. Compassion lightening the path without suffering



The greatest gift of enlightenment is mind can be as wide as space, then give peace to others



Awareness opens the door, compassion brings us in



Those who practise compassion, is like butterfly taking essence of flower



Peacocks eat poison, transform it into feathers. Meditation transform poison of misery into flower of well-being



Compassion makes soul beautiful. Soul beauty can be seen through the depth of service



When it’s done w/ devotion, work is not an exhausting energy, it’s a moment of unity.



The only touching poetry that ever written, is poetry of compassion in the heart



Smile, the only body language of compassion



Under the guidance of compassion, all path lead to Light



Under the light of patience, enemies do not pull us down, they rise us above



Compassion is smile that appear when… Coffee is not hot. Food is not delicious



Work is the door of unity. Prayer is the window of perfection



The enlightened is one who passed through extraordinary trials to achieve profound understanding



Trouble makers are like sand papers. They keep softening heart



Eyes of compassion is like children eyes. All is good



No matter what season is, compassion is our steady guide.



Through deed we sow seed. Deed of compassion sow seed of peace.



Compassion is the front cover of book of life. And the last chapter of the same book.



Suffering is the sun. Lotus is surrender. Marriage between the two, give birth to enlightenment.



Garden of compassion is borderless, it’s available to everyone.



Deep compassion is like music without sound



Those who kindle other candle, will meet brighter world



Religion of holy water, that’s what Balinese practice. Like water, flow, flexible, humble…that’s the way home



Life is not a puzzle to be solved, but a blessing to love



Loving-kindness n compassion. This is the true trophy



Classifying life as friend n enemy, is foreign to compassion



Whatever the pain, compassion is the healer. Whatever the trouble, compassion is the healer. Whatever suffering, compassion is the healer



The true measure of enlightenment is how one loves the threatening enemies



To plant garden is actually to plant inner compassion



Some traditions like holy day. When one is holy inside, everyday is holy day



Silent is too deep to be explained. Only compassion that help



Kindness is the star, evil is dark night. The darker the night, the brighter the star shines



The candle might be different. The lamp is probably different. The light of compassion is the same



Each of us is children of compassion



We all grow and the best way to grow is to help others to grow



One who soulfully practise compassion is no longer greedy of being called true



Umbrella only serve a person. Compassion serve the whole universe



The Great can not be seen through eyes. It can be seen through the eyes of Love



The best contribution that we can give to world peace is peace of mind



Trees serve perfection by being tree. Grass serves perfection by being grass



Peak of journey is not in the sky but within this heart



Under the moon of carefulness. Everything is compassion



Lipstick only beautify lip. Patience can beautify body, mind, spirit



Life flows mind is frozen, that’s suffering. Meditation makes frozen mind melted, then flowing in the river of healing

“A dog saved a little girl from icy river”. Even dog teach compassion



Flowers are known for its beauty. One is known for his/her compassion



Seed of compassion is SUFFERING. Tree of compassion is HELPING. The flower is ULTIMATE HEALING.



UNDERSTAND the complexity of harming events. TOLERANCE makes it doesn’t harm. FORGIVING, that’s compassion in action.



The 3rd gate of compassion is FORGIVING. Forgiving make one avoid new violence n releasing as well



The 2nd gate of compassion is tolerance. The evil is actually good. In order to purify us, they even willing to enter hell



When compassion rules, flower of happiness blossoms everywhere.



My life is my true speech, demikian pesan Mahatma Gandhi. Hidup kita adalah pidato kita yg sesungguhnya



The first gate of compassion is… UNDERSTANDING



One who look outside is comparing his/her self. One who deeply look inside is awakening the Self



In the ears of compassionate listeners, even the curse of enemy deliver holy messages



Paradise, that’s how people called Bali. In a soulfully compassionate mind, all place is paradise



When heart is well furnished by understanding, all awaken inner compassion



Fragrance of flower invites the coming of butterfly, fragrance of compassion invites the coming of peace



Suffering is a lighter that kindles the candle of compassion



In the sky of heart, there’s an eagle flying. That’s eagle of compassion.



Life flows as it is Mind flows as it is That’s Gateless Gate



To be a servant is a present. To be a servant of compassion is a humbling present.



Smile, the universal language that everyone like



Silent, listen and finally compassion blossoms


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