
Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily

by - 18:51

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Love is impatient.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Do not be afraid to start from a humble beginning.
Be afraid that you never start at all.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Never say impossible to what you want to achieve.
You should never become the first person to doubt your rights for success.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
When you see something, enable yourself to see what is behind it.
Otherwise, what you see becomes the limit of your vision.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Your wish is the mother who gives birth to your thoughts.
If you wish good things, you breed good thoughts.
If you have good thoughts, you do good deeds.
If you do good deeds, you grow good hopes.
If you have good hopes, you develop your heart's strength.
And if your heart is strong, life will strengthen you.
So, always start with a good wish.
For indeed a wish is a prayer.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Let us use the energy that has empowered our doubts and complaints, to raise our lives to the level of our dreams.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
I do not have the time to hate the people who hate me,
because I am too busy loving the people who love me.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
"I love you"
is the same as saying
"I live for you."

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
A brave person is afraid before,
forgets about everything during the process,
and becomes afraid again after.
A coward is afraid all the time.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Complaints about inabilities, spring from a lack of courage.
A decisive act of courage wipes away complaints, and instills confidence.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Energy is very closely related to fortune.
The more we use our energy on something useful, the more fortunate we become.
The more we waste our energy on pointless things, the more we feel unimportant and restless.
We are energy beings, and thus are destined to be fortunate and prosperous.
But, fortune and prosperity are positive, and will not become ours if we are not.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
A super morning to you all,
Today let us be more willing to face life's difficulties, so that we may be granted the ability to make it easy.
Life becomes more difficult, when we focus on questioning why life is not as easy as we expect it to be.
And life becomes easier, when we are willing to face what we thought was difficult.
We find the ease of life by facing its difficulties, not necessarily by becoming smart or fearless, but with sincerity, with prayer, and with simple willingness to do what we can do.
May we all be granted with better luck in our endeavors today, and even better results the week after.
Dear Lord, please help us see better ways to manage this wonderful life.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
It is not failure that you must hate. It is mediocrity.
Refuse to be common!

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Failure is not your mental enemy, but your growth partner.

The possibility of failure urges you to improve yourself, and the appearance of failure confirms exactly what you need to improve.
Failure is not a bad thing that ruins your life, but a healthy signal that you are leading a full, active and dynamic life.
All successful people experience more failures than average people, but they do not stop at failures, they move on to success.
Failure is not your mental enemy, but your growth partner.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Always keep your heart in constant prayer.
One side of it is asking for forgiveness, for your continual inability to become as refined a soul as you can become.
And the other side, is tendered with joyous tears - grateful for the blessings of life.
A heart in constant prayer is a protected heart.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Do not let your regrets become bigger than the dreams of your future.
Your past cannot hurt your future if you do not use it to weaken your today.
Stop living in the past.
What you do today will determine the quality of your future.
Live today, to the fullest, happily and productively.
You determine what you will become.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
If after the separation, he becomes an unkind person to you, then the separation is a salvation.
If after the separation, he becomes a better person and even kinder to you, then you should reexamine your attitudes.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
It is better to be angry and continue trying, than to lose hope and give up.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
People who are fond of criticizing and demeaning others, often do not realize that they are criticizing from a lower position.
Pay no attention because they will not pay your bills even if you listen to them.
Just stay focused on what you are studying or doing.
Only those who are incapable, will criticize. Real expert, will advise.
Be patient. Work hard, and then watch what happens.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
My younger friends, please say this:
"I never work for the numbers.
I work to be the best at what I do.
Then the numbers will come in.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
My dear super friends,
A problem instructs us to become smarter and stronger, so that the same or similar problems will not be able to touch us in the future.
But we procrastinate and delay action that would solve the problem, like it is going to go away by itself.
It does not work that way.
You have to face it, work on and around it, and endure it until it ceases to become a problem and starts showing the gifts it hides behind its veil.
A problem is presented to you out of love, so that you grow and become stronger, not as a heavenly plan specifically aimed to make you unhappy.
A problem is not a torture, though it may feel like one, but it is indeed a ladder to move you up to a higher quality of life."

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
An honest person has every talent to succeed.
An honest hard worker will survive.
And an honest, smart, and hardworking person will be rich.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
If your heart, your face, and your ways
are not colored with love,
then it will not be beauty
that you see and feel in this world.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
I am not sure of what I am feeling,
but if you insist and you must know,
then I have to tell you … I love you.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
It is truly difficult for you to forget your past, because you have to remember it before you try to forget it.
And after all of your efforts, you will remember even more of what you were trying to forget.
Rather, choose to live peacefully with your past, and just do not relive the pain.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Moving on to a better and happier life is not easy.
But, do we really have any other choice than to earnestly pursue happiness?
Moving on is a movement. You cannot expect to be free from a hurtful condition by allowing your heart stay as a victim in it.
Move on. Free your heart!

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Never expect others to be responsible for your happiness.
They have their own problems, and are trying to survive and succeed just like everybody else.
Take full responsibility for your own happiness.
It is your life. Decide to be happy.
It is not easy, but it is more difficult to live in sadness.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
What you are doing to help others to be happy,
will make you peaceful in the feeling of completeness,
without receiving anything in return.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Never blame God for something that you can improve.
Do what you can do, so that God will do what you cannot do.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
It is not our emotions that we have to control.
It is how we react because of those emotions.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Do not reduce the height of your dreams, just because others doubt you.
You can achieve the impossible by doing the possible.
And doing what is possible is always possible.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
A person who stops dreaming is a person who stops being interesting.
You become wonderful because of your dreams, and admirable because of your sincere efforts to achieve them.
Never stop dreaming.
A dream is a beautifier of life.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Love is respect.
If he loves you, he respects you.
If there is no respect, then there is no love.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
A problem is a priority, to be overcome before it becomes an emergency that is too big for our ability.
Often, we wish to go back in time to do simple good things that will solve our problems when they were new and small.
It may be difficult for you to view problems as beautiful, but the best problems are the fresh newly born problems.
Solve your problems as quickly as they are born.
New born problems are the sweetest invitations for actions.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Everyone is waiting to be discovered,
by a beautiful soul mate,
by a business partner who will grow rich together.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
All of the successes that you dreamed of hide behind the things that you fear.
Starting today, just do exactly what you are afraid of.
Don't plan to stay long behind your fear, because success is not there.
Success is where bravery is required.
Be brave. This is your life.
You don't have any other choice, but to be brave.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Falling in love is easy.
Its follow up in marriage is not.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Now I understand that my heart will never be at peace if I am always trying to control everything and every event and in my life.
The beautiful road to peace is to know the conditions and events of my life that I should ignore, so that I can only think and do what is important.
Dear Lord, please teach me how to ignore the unimportant sincerely.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Often, the best way to be at peace is not to know.
And actually, more goodness we can build from the ability to overlook what is not important.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
A good woman will soften a rough man, not weaken a strong one.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Treating with respect - the people who are kind to you is easy, but doing so to those who speak badly of you - is not for anybody.
But you are different, you can do it.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
A bad condition is not meant to be complained about, but to be changed, or to be abandoned.
Goodness requires decisiveness.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Dear God,
Please teach me how to convey my anger elegantly.
I am longing for a peaceful and loving life.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Please be aware that almost all of the words
that you regret in your life
were the words that you said in anger.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Love is impatient but not quick to anger, and is in no way rough.
Love is tender and only wants the best for both of you, not at the cost of your happiness.
Love wants you to be happy.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Do not let your dreams be withered by anything.
It is understandable that some people do not share your enthusiasm, because they do not dwell in your mind to see the vibrancy of your dreams.
Believe in the beauty and promises of your dreams.
You alone are the dream of your parents, long before they met each other.
Then in essence, dreams and dreaming are something native to your being.
Keep your dreams healthy and vibrant, your actions faithful to your good heart and clear thoughts, so that time will unfold and bring you closer to the beautiful life that your beautiful soul deserves.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
A good family is started with love,
built with tender care,
and maintained with loyalty.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Believing that things are difficult
will make everything difficult,
even if some of them are actually easy.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Many people scream in unison
that they will achieve success,
and that impossible is nothing,
but stay frozen in the absence of action
because of simple fears.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
The personal ability that has the most impact on the improvement of our fortune is the ability to be agreed with.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Love makes goodness compulsory.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
There is no guarantee that you will be successful if you wok hard.
But there is no success without hard work, guaranteed.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
The most respectable part in trying is not giving up.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Change takes time, but how long it takes is determined by how seriously you want to get to a better life.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Your hopes are the eyes you use to see what is unseen,
the strength to believe what is possible,
and the perseverance to achieve what was impossible.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Often, the comments that you are arrogant are said by those with low self-esteem.
Please be kind to them.
It is never comforting not to feel good about one's self.
Treat them with kindness and respect.
Mario Teguh

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Happiness is not a condition that is free from sadness.
A good soul will still be able to feel happiness even in sadness, if he maintains the presence of goodness in what he says and in what he does, even to those who hurt him.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Learn to be still.
Silence your heart and calm your thought.
Everything becomes clearer in peace.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Moving up is more important than moving on.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Being grateful does not stop at accepting whatever is given,
but most importantly continue working hard to bring about the best possible outcome.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Keep your friends close to you. And keep those who make you their enemy even closer.
Because, when they are close to you, there is a good possibility that they change their attitude towards you because of your kindness.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Do not despair over the difficulties of life.
Difficulties are the beautifier of your prayer and the expediter of your action.
Mario Teguh

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Every sentence is witnessed.
So let's take careful care that what we say do not turn into a bad prayer for ourselves.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Let us make our lives valuable by fighting for what is right and just, risking for what is important, enduring the pains of disappointments of setbacks in the effort to build a peaceful and prosperous society.
Let us make life thank God for allowing us to be born.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
A Lady, firstly as a lover.
A Lady, secondly as a friend.
A Lady, thirdly as a mother.

You’re once,
three times a lady.

And, I love you.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
When in love, nobody is smart.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Some people become detrimental to themselves,
by allowing laziness to weaken their education,
by letting negative thinking to cancel the good things they can do,
by letting anger to ruin their relationship with others,
by being dishonest to make themselves distrusted.
Let us be kind and respectful to ourselves.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Feelings of anger, resentment, hate, and the desire to get even are poisons of the soul.
Love and save yourself, and befriend those good souls who believe in your rights to succeed.
You will find strengths in your peaceful heart.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
The most dangerous friend is he who makes you uncomfortable to disappoint him, but easy to disappoint God.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Being patient is still feeling angry, but not using the anger to degrade yourself or damage your relationships with others.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
A goal is a dream with a date.
As soon as you have a dream, put a date on it.
If are clear about when you want to achieve your dreams, you will no longer be only dreaming, but you will be living, working, and achieving your dreams.
Dreams are real. As real as your actions to achieve them.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Is it possible for you to achieve success by praying whole-heartedly, but working half-heartedly?

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Whatever you do today, do it with all of your heart and in the best possible ways.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Time waits for nobody.
I am walking with time, and nobody shall slow me down!

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
No matter how dark your past was, your future is still bright.
Do not lose hope.
You are all you need to succeed.
Do what is right, and your future will be bright.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Do not lose your self-confidence just because you are not the person that some people like.
You do not need other people's approval to be who you are now and who you will become.
You are the master of your own life.
Your decisions and your actions will shape you and your future.
Depend on your good self.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
He who does not like you does not represent the whole world.
Your world is bigger than his jealous heart.
Ignore him.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Do not be afraid to start from a humble beginning.
Be afraid that you never start at all.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Your most important preparation is not preparing so that you do not fall, but preparing so that you will bounce back higher every time you fall.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Falling in love is the most beautiful accident.
There is no plan or preparation required for falling in love.
The real problem is following it up according to your plan.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Winners do not complain about their lack of ability.
They focus on what they can do with whatever ability they have.
That is the attitude that makes them winners.
Winners are not complainers.
Winners are doers.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
Whatever you do, be quick to act, be loyal to your purpose, and be diligent in your efforts.
Be patient amidst difficulties and failures. Stay the course.
Patience is the way to greatness.

Mario Teguh English Qoute Daily
You cannot live peacefully today
or build a happy future
by clinging to the pains of your past.

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