
Indonesian Badminton Atlete

Indonesia is a country with great achievements in the sport of badminton. After the era of the triumph of Susi Susanti, Joko Santoso, Rexy Subgja, Mia Audina. Now the young seedlings are popping up again climbed the stairs to the top achievements of world achievements. As in reports...

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Indonesia Super League Champion Football Competition

Indonesia has just completed a local football league is full of excitement and intense competition among dozens of ...

THE RAID - REDEMPTION The Best Indonesian Movie Now

A group of SWAT team arrived at an apartment block that is not taken care of with the mission of capturing the owner ...

Agnes Monica The Best Indonesian Singer

Agnes Monica Muljoto (born in Jakarta, July 1, 1986, age 26 years) is a singer and artist nationality Indonesia. He ...

Raja Ampat The Divers Paradise

Raja Ampat is the fraction of Sorong regency, since 2003. District has a population of 31 000 inhabitants has ...
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