Duren Fruit

by - 06:28

Durian is a tropical plant that originated from Southeast Asia, as well as a fruit to eat. The name is derived from the fruit skin characteristic of the hard and sharp grooved so that the shape of the thorns. Durian comes from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei, although the tree can grow in any similar climate. Center for biological diversity and ecological durian is Borneo (Kalimantan Island).

However, the durian is an important exporter of Thailand, who are able to develop cultivars with high quality. Other places where durians are planted in the Philippines, including Mindanao, Queensland in Australia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, India, and Sri Lanka. In the Philippines, the center is producing durian in Davao region in Mindanao Island. Kadayawan Festival is an annual celebration for the durian in Davao City.

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